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Showing posts from November, 2011

Walking Stories.

"True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it can be lost." -Charles Caleb Colton I found this quote one day a while back (because I'm the kind of person who enjoys reading random quotes), and wrote in in the front of the journal I was writing in at the time.  You see, it stuck out to me because I'm a little bit of a health nut. (Not only am I the kind of person that reads random quotes for entertainment, but I also happen to enjoy exercise-yes, real sweaty exercise.)  I love my fruits and veggies, drink LOTS of water, and work out throughout the week. (If only i was this motivated about studying...) Tori Trivia: I just devoured a giant frozen 3 Musketeers bar while writing the above sentences, and it was delicious. :) Anyway, the point is, when I read this quote again, it hit me in a different way than before. We take so much for granted.  It's like we just act normal to loved ones until they barely crawl out of a massive c...


The title is what me singing "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" looks like.  (You know-head is all drawn out, and shoulders and knees becomes one fat word.  I don't know, maybe that is just me...I will make a point with this later, I promise.) SO, today I pulled out an old journal of mine that is filled with sermon notes, prayers, and personal thoughts from the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th was interesting to say the least!  Funny thing is, I still  use a good bit of the scripture I copied down because I am still struggling with some of the same stuff.  Many of the temptations (...I've got suuuunnnshiiinnee! on a cloudy day...wrong temptations, sorry) have taken on different faces as I have grown, but essentially are the same issues.  God has answered a lot of the questions I was asking, for which I am thankful. :) However, one of these struggles was and is a reoccurring deal, and I feel like it is something worth sharing with all the other fabulous fe...

Here goes nothing!

 So, I got the idea of starting a blog from my mom (who is a totally AMAZING woman of God), and after sleeping on it I decided it wasn't such a bad idea. I am simply going to share some of my life and things that I learn with the world.  Not that the whole world necessarily wants to know my daily thoughts, but anyone that does is welcome to whatever I share! Warning: I am a rabbit chaser, long winded, my grammar is also not that of a best-selling author, I misspell words, use dashes-commas-and ALL CAPS frequently and perhaps inappropriately, but that is okay. :) oh yeah-smileys too ;)  I do enjoy writing, and believe that God bestows gifts to us for us to use-so here goes nothing-hope you enjoy!   P.S.- I will not begin every entry with an awkward intro. That was just for today. :) Alright so I got laughed at by a REALLY cute guy today, and then God used it to teach me later (of course).  See, my roommate, Shelly, and I are walking back from the overflow...