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Showing posts from December, 2011
In heavenly love abiding, No change my heart shall fear, And safe is such confiding, For nothing changes here. The storm may roar with out me, My heart may low be laid, But God is round about me, How can I be dismayed? Wherever He may guide me,  No fear shall turn me back, My shepherd is beside me, And nothing shall I lack. His wisdom ever waketh, His sight is never dim; He knows the way He taketh, And I will walk with Him. Green pastures are before me, Which yet I have not seen; Bright skies will soon be o'er me, Where darkest clouds have been. My hope I cannot measure, My path to life is free; My savior is my treasure, And He will walk with me. -Anna L. Waring My mom showed me this while I was packing up for college, and it has remained true since the day I left.  It's one of those sweet reminders of God's sovereignty-which I frequently need.  It is so easy for me to over think things and get all flustered and frustrated with myself.  I ...

A Red Penguin Mug

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmaaaasss!! :) And I am slightly excited-it is without a doubt my absolute FAVORITE holiday in the history of the whole world forever and ever.  :) This is only reinforced by the fact that I am currently sitting in my favorite chair watching some incredibly predictable Hallmark Christmas movie while sipping hot chocolate out of a big red penguin mug.  I just LOVE it!!, slightly excited may be a serious understatement. For real though, it is my favorite holiday.  I firmly believe that this is the case, because I am still very much  a little kid at heart.  I love the fact that my family has a real Christmas tree in our living room and that it is decorated with multicolored lights and hodgepodge ornaments accumulated over the 23 years my parents have been married.  It's always my job to set up my mom's really pretty nativity scene in our living room.  I love the smell and sound of a fire in the fireplace, a...