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A Red Penguin Mug

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmaaaasss!! :) And I am slightly excited-it is without a doubt my absolute FAVORITE holiday in the history of the whole world forever and ever.  :) This is only reinforced by the fact that I am currently sitting in my favorite chair watching some incredibly predictable Hallmark Christmas movie while sipping hot chocolate out of a big red penguin mug.  I just LOVE it!!, slightly excited may be a serious understatement.

For real though, it is my favorite holiday.  I firmly believe that this is the case, because I am still very much  a little kid at heart.  I love the fact that my family has a real Christmas tree in our living room and that it is decorated with multicolored lights and hodgepodge ornaments accumulated over the 23 years my parents have been married.  It's always my job to set up my mom's really pretty nativity scene in our living room.  I love the smell and sound of a fire in the fireplace, and eating way too many cookies while watching both Rudolph and White Christmas 400 times each. :) It's just the best!  And I don't really care if these things are silly for an 18-year-old to enjoy.  Yes, I know there is a lot going on during this time of year, and a lot of money is being spent.  The parties are all great, and I am completely and totally blessed. :) But, in the middle of all the constant hullabaloo, the little girl in me loves all these silly things.  :)  Not to mention, it's the time of year when we get to celebrate the most precious gift of God's forever love!  I mean, come on-how amazing is that?  That God would send his son into this world as a sweet little baby because he loves me just continuously blows my mind.  How can I be anything but joyful when this is my reason to celebrate?! :)  So don't let the season just blow right through without stopping to admire a sparkling tree...or some hot chocolate in a red penguin mug. :)

"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." -Luke 2:19

P.S.- Chick ended up with the cute guy instead of the jerk at the end of that Hallmark movie-I know you all were concerned.

Merry Christmas :)


  1. Ah, yes, Christmas is a joyful time of year and one that, sadly, gets overlooked by many. Stress really is the number one culprit for that-stress about the family gatherings, the presents, the hanging of the lights, the setting up of the tree, the various house chores that seem compounded by the fact that it IS the Christmas season, all the things that we just HAVE to do because it's Christmas...

    And in all that, a lot of the time most of us-myself included very much-lose sight of the fact that this time of year is for celebrating THE greatest gift ever given-the gift of Christ.

    So I'm glad to see you're celebrating it in your own way, with hot chocolate, a red penguin mug, and with Hallmark movies. As for me, I'm still holding out for "It's a Wonderful Life" (IMHO, one of the top three Christmas movies ever) and some hot apple cider (which is becoming increasingly hard to find).

    In summary, Christmas rocks. The End.

    Good post. :)

    -Zach Johnson (if it wasn't obvious by the dissertation of a comment I gave you)


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