*Insert heavy sigh* Here we go...this is going to be a long one. Get comfortable.
Recently, a bit of controversy has surfaced surrounding a certain clothing store...*cough cough* ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH...not to name names or anything. If you don't have a clue as to what I am talking about, apparently the company's CEO said some things a few years ago regarding the type of person they want to be seen wearing their brand and the sizes they will be carrying, and in doing so, offended A LOT of people. Which is understandable. Even if he was not trying to offend anyone or if the phrases were taken out of context in recent news, it sure does come off as pretty offensive no matter who you are.
If you would like an explanation better than my generic synopsis you can look Here, Here, or Here.
I will say that it almost seems silly for people to be getting worked up over it now. I mean every advertisement for that store includes at least one mostly naked, unrealistically tan, mega muscular, super skinny person, and if there are two people they look like they are basically about to go at it in front of God, Jesus, and every 12-30 year old who totes one of their shopping bags. It's not as if the store just now has begun to promote a particular type of human figure with their clothes. However, I guess when something is said out loud about it, that makes it more of a real problem.
...it's all pretty stupid.
Though I don't agree with everything she says (who really agrees with EVERYthing anyone says anymore though?) Ellen and I do share the same opinion on this particular subject.
Hahaha! That tiny shirt...that's great!
Seriously though, I saw this video and knew I had to talk about it, but what I wanted to say was too long for a facebook post...
Side note: Some people just need to get a blog. If someone has to click "see more" at the bottom of your post, its TOO LONG. Snippets of your thoughts people, not novels.
Anyway, I just wanted to provide some thoughts on all of this as an average american 20 year old.
Let's get real here for a second. I know that guys also struggle with body image. However, I also feel that their clothing is loads easier to hide behind if you are insecure about the way you look.
It's not that easy for us.
For the vast majority of my high school and college career (thus far) I have watched many sweet friends freak out about their size and all but lather themselves in butter in order to squeeze themselves into teeny tiny articles of clothing because that is what makes them feel skinny, and as we all know skinny=beautiful. Just because you can get the extra small on does not mean you have magically transformed into an extra small person. In fact, usually wearing a smaller size than you should just emphasizes your real size even more.
This doesn't just go on at the particular store under attack currently, most others like it all have larger sizes too, but still promote the skinny, straight toothed, super short shorts girl in the crop top riding down some boardwalk on the handlebars of an equally cute boy's bike.
...Do you know how hard it is to balance for a long time on the handle bars of a bike?! Plus, there is no way that boy can see over her unless he's 7 feet tall. They would crash right off that boardwalk and into the ocean.
The idea of perfect beauty we are given has everything to do with the size of the clothing and not the person in it. How sad and pathetic and shallow.
Realness again-if the models in the abercrombie advertisements actually did have sex with all the folks they are all pressed up against, they would all have STD's and half the girls would be pregnant.
Just sayin.
Beauty is NOT the size of your pants. And here's some more truth, there are some girls who are actually tiny enough to need the size 0 pants, and that's how they are built and they can't help it, so please do not:
A. be mean and pick on them-thats bullying.
B. buy all the clothing small enough for them to wear just so you can feel better about yourself squeezing into a small size
And while we're here let's get something else straight, skinny DOES NOT EQUAL HEALTHY OR PRETTY. There are women in places all over the world who are skinny, because they are literally starving to death. Healthy is FAR prettier than skinny.
What this whole rant boils down to is that girls today are told to find their worth and beauty in the sizes of their clothing.
Yes, for real. And so many of them do. (exhibit A)
As a girl, you must look a certain way to be beautiful. This is a boldfaced LIE.
The truth is, we all feel insecure and have things we wish we could change about the way we look, but really being beautiful has nothing to do with whether or not I still fit in the jeans I wore in the 9th grade (and I don't by the way).
It does have everything to do with the condition of your heart. So make good decisions about your body, eat right, be active, brush and floss, smile and laugh, encourage people, be confident, live life, and love who you are.
Just BE beautiful.
Tori, this is awesome!