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Showing posts from September, 2013

Moving to the North Pole. (And away from Mrs. Bennet!)

This is a post that I have continuously talked myself out of. Why? Because I don't like stepping on people's toes. (Is that grammatically correct?) However, there has been such an onslaught of this topic in my life recently that I feel like something must be said.  So if you are not in the mood for some slight 20 year old ranting, I suggest you come back for another post. (I am writing this as myself, obviously, but am also hoping to convey some thoughts from many other young women around me.)  **Disclaimer: I am not a grown up.  Nope.  I am not married, engaged, a mother, nor do I presently have a career.  So there are some adult perspectives and experiences that clearly I have not yet encountered. This is strictly from my still-a-kid perspective. As kids (teenagers in particular), I feel like it is easy to become embarrassed and frustrated with our parents.  I don't know, maybe you and your mom were bff's while you were in high school, if so, go...

You Blockhead.

This semester has been the strangest yet. I feel old and still super young at the same time.   It's pretty confusing.   Earlier this morning I was doing today's lesson in the (super great) bible study my group is doing this year, and a part of it included looking up Proverbs 31:10-31 and listing all the duties of this virtuous woman in different categories.  (We are studying the life of Ruth currently and this week is about her faithful obedience, and God keeping his promises, etc.)  I've read this passage at least 100 times in my life probably, but had never listed out all the things she does until this morning.    Come to find out, the majority of her duties she fulfills seem to be physical, active things.  For instance getting up early (verse 15), working with her hands (verse 13), the spinning staff (verse 19), makes garments (verse 24)... Like, verse 17 literally says: "She draws on her strength and reveals that her arms ar...


I've only been to NYC twice. The first was in the 6th grade for a GE field trip.  I wore capri pants, tennis shoes, hard rock cafe tee shirts, decided I wanted to be a Radio City Rockette, and used a disposable camera.  Classic. The second time was senior year of high school, and my two fellow dance captains and I went and performed with about 47 zillion other dancers and cheerleaders in the Macy's Parade.   Think: Giant mob of squealing, pink power ranger, cheerleader barbie girls... Yes, I did keep that awesome blue puffy jacket. While I am pretty sure I wouldn't want to ever live there, I love New York City.  It's so pretty to me, which I realize might not be the case if I were the one trudging through the rain and snow to work all winter... Anyway, obviously we all know what today is (besides hump day...). I've seen and done every touristy thing you can see and do in NYC, but they were gone before I was able to see them. The tow...