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Showing posts from April, 2014

Regina George in the land of the free and home of the brave-ish.

Pretty conflicted in how I feel about having time to blog today.  On one hand I'm totally pumped!! No classes, lots of sunshine (even if it's a little chilly), and all day to finish projects, do laundry, and go get groceries!  I would say WOOHOO! ...except some of us start exams next week. As in final ones.  While normally not having class would be a huge dream come true, today it is just stressing me out.  (If it does not stress you out, and you can say WOOHOO! today, that's awesome!  I just can't join you.)   I needed class today to keep me on top of things, for my own sanity.  No class for bad weather I understand, I mean, who wants to walk to class when it's monsooning? (Apparently that's not a word, because it keeps correcting it to moonshining.)  But the AU ALERT that came to my phone literally right after I had gotten up to get ready for an 8am said:  "Classes cancelled, normal ops suspended for Wed 4/16/14 due to student ...