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Regina George in the land of the free and home of the brave-ish.

Pretty conflicted in how I feel about having time to blog today.  On one hand I'm totally pumped!! No classes, lots of sunshine (even if it's a little chilly), and all day to finish projects, do laundry, and go get groceries!  I would say WOOHOO! ...except some of us start exams next week. As in final ones.  While normally not having class would be a huge dream come true, today it is just stressing me out.  (If it does not stress you out, and you can say WOOHOO! today, that's awesome!  I just can't join you.)  

I needed class today to keep me on top of things, for my own sanity.  No class for bad weather I understand, I mean, who wants to walk to class when it's monsooning? (Apparently that's not a word, because it keeps correcting it to moonshining.)  But the AU ALERT that came to my phone literally right after I had gotten up to get ready for an 8am said: 

"Classes cancelled, normal ops suspended for Wed 4/16/14 due to student & parent anxiety over threat. Authorities still believe threat not credible."

Basically: We cancelled class because you folks won't chill the heck out. 

Not trying to be insensitive, because I understand that there are bombings and shootings, and many students and faculty who are mommies and daddies and brothers and sisters and grandparents and grandchildren and many other things to the people in their lives are killed.  And that is an honest to goodness, heart-breaking tragedy.  I would never want anyone to ignore any threats of this nature, because it happens...(there's a big but coming)

BUT, you can't completely freak out and quit life because you are afraid.  

I'm a pretty significant scary-cat.  I don't do horror movies AT ALL, bugs, haunted houses, the dark, super loud thunder...
You get it.  

All of those things don't totally terrify me, but I don't even pick up bugs after they are stepped on and dead.  Major heebie jeebies.

Here's the deal: do you remember the mean girl(s) from middle school/high school? (Or guys. Don't want to leave anyone out.)  The real life Regina Georges.  Maybe they weren't as awful as her (hopefully),  but they were still just flat out mean.  She could pick and pick on you in true preteen girl fashion, but until you broke down in front of her, she couldn't win. Now, I'm not saying that being brave means you should on purpose try to get in her way and make her say something cutting to you.  No provoking, use your brain.  What I am saying, in the words of my mom, is that "if you don't run, she can't chase you!"  It's ok to be afraid, upset, and cry about things that hurt you, but sometimes it's better to move forward now and cry later.  The ultimate goal of the mean girl is to get a reaction. If you don't react, then her words mean nothing and she has no power over you, but the second you let what she says start dictating how you dress or what you say or how you act, she wins. End of story. 

This is why I'm feeling sassy about classes being cancelled today. I personally feel like it's letting Regina win.  

Not that we should've gone on with life as usual and not investigated the threat. That is absolutely the right thing to do, always.  However, they did investigate it...and said to go to class...

Yes, I know something could have happened, but last I checked we aren't guaranteed tomorrow anyway.  Let's be real here, something could always happen: a classroom could burst into flames, I could get hit crossing at a crosswalk, a building could collapse, I could be driving the speed limit on the interstate to Tigertown and blow a tire and my car could flip, I could go to the doctor and find out I have cancer, someone could come to a campus with a gun and kill am I going to wear a bullet-proof vest to school and never drive on the interstate again?  No. Probably not.

And it's a shame that we go into more of a freak-out mode about hiding in a potential crisis than we do about sharing the great news of Jesus with people when we know we are never promised tomorrow with them. (Guilty. Right here.)

Whatever. It's cool, and I appreciate the bonus study/laundry day.  I'm just not a fan of how we got it. 

For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgement. 
2 Timothy 1:7

In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not fear. What can man do to me? 
Psalm 56:4


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