Peeve: verb annoy; irritate synonyms: vex, anger, exasperate, get on someone's nerves Recently, I had breakfast with a friend who is both old and new. Old in the sense of knowing her for a long time, and new in the sense that college has bettered our relationship. We both graduate in May, which means we are both starting to hunt for "real" jobs, and are facing this semi-frightening transition of becoming "grown ups". And we both pray. A LOT. I know that people who haven't been in this place in years may not remember, but this [at least feels like] it's a big deal. Definitely big enough to go to Chappy's for breakfast and discussion. It's easy to daydream and idealize how you think your life will turn out. You know, how you will move to your favorite city, get your dream job making $$$$$$$, marry this type of guy, have this many kids in this certain type of house, etc. Daydreaming is easy. Actually figuring...
...or at least a shiny grey.