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Today I find myself sitting on the floor in the top of Foy, which is a nice hideout from the crazy campaigners and their giant signs spread all up and down the concourse.  (Not all of them are crazy, so no offense if you are one of them.)  I just prefer it up here on this ancient (sometimes smelly) carpet in the peace and quiet.  :)

Well, it's usually quiet.

Today is a different day however, because there are foreign students up here rotating to different learning stations all dealing with Valentines Day.  The station next to me has them sitting at a table and seeing how many candy hearts they can stack without them falling over.  (The current record is 17, by the way.)  When they finish stacking, they all read the sayings on them.

Now, I know this does not seem like anything spectacular.  When you get a box or bag of candy hearts, you know what "head over heels", "no doubt", "sugar lips", and "luv you" mean, but these students don't.

New stacking record: 23

I know that all cultures are different, and that America is definitely a diverse country, but for some reason, it surprised me a little that these students don't fully get the concept of Valentine's Day.  I just listened to the teacher explain the phrase, "You Rock!" to a super sweet asian girl.  You could see the light bulb come on as the smile split her face and she was all: "OHH OK! YOU ROCK!"  :)  The teacher had asked her if she knew what rock and roll music was, she nodded so the teacher continued, "Well, you know how rock and roll music is very up beat and exciting? That's where "you rock!" comes from. You are telling the person that they are very fun and exciting and that you have a good time with them."  And I don't know why, but I am just in awe of how new and interesting something as simple as candy hearts is to these students.  They are totally loving the concept of Valentines, no pun intended, and it has gotten me to thinking...

New stacking record: 25

Valentine's Day is supposed to be a holiday to celebrate love, correct?  Yes, it is nice to have one special person to celebrate with, but that's not the point.  Love is.  Valentine's day has been turned into this overrated, over done holiday where everything is all roses and candlelit dinners.  Don't get me wrong, a little romance goes a long way, but there are other people in this world you love. (I hope.)  And what about the love of Christ?  Cause, I mean, that's the best love there ever has been or ever will be ever in the whole entire world!! :)  So how did that get lost in the midst of our chocolates and roses?  His love is the reason I am who I am, and it gives me the patience and joy I have in life regardless how awful my day gets.  He always loves me.  I do really stupid stuff sometimes, but He still loves me.  The smiles on the faces of these foreign students as they learn about Valentine's Day sort of humbles me in a way.  When was the last time I was in that kind of childlike awe of the love God has for me?  God looks at me everyday and says, "Hey! You Rock!!" even when I really don't.  God is love.  Like, for real.  I don't feel like it is always as complicated as we make it.  He sent His only son for us, because He loves us. Period.

So, what would Valentine's Day look like if that kind of love was the love we were trying to share...

Final stacking record: 28


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