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...this is SUPER random...

I came to the student center today in-between my 12:00 class and my 3:00 thinking I could put in my headphones and read some scripture...hahaha! good one, right?  Yeah, its like someone kicked an anthill in here. There are people EVERYWHERE, all talking and laughing and yelling and singing...

Good plan Tori. This won't be distracting at all.
...Especially not that kid with pink hair that just walked by.

So, a few mins ago, I put in my headphones and cranked them up, which only gave me a headache as it and the constant roar of people combined into the same kind of noise that happens when multiple TV's are on and two or three kids are all talking and asking you things all at the same time.  Ugh.  So I removed the stupid things and asked God to make me a good listener and to speak to me despite the noise.  I then proceeded to read what I thought I was supposed to be reading and I just could not hear myself think! This happened about 6 or 7 times: I would go to a new passage of scripture trying to hear God and the noise around me only seemed to get louder.  SUPER frustrating. Then I went to Psalms as a last effort and came to a screeching halt at Psalm 9:1 which says, "I will thank the LORD with all my heart; I will declare all Your wonderful works."

Then it got really quiet...

There you go T-bo.
"Sooo, that's it?"
Hahaha! Yes, that's it, love. Be thankful always and declare all my wonderful works. I'm not always going to baffle you with large quantities of scripture and vast missions that require hours and hours of thought. I love you, remember? I love to teach you and watch you serve and honor me. Today, I want you to love others, be thankful, and share what I have done in your life.
"I love you, too. And I can definitely do that! Thanks :)"

That's the Reader's Digest version, for the sake of time and space-we actually talked for a good 30 minutes or so, and you know what?  It was silent the whole time.  I could only hear him. :)


  1. First of all, you're a very good writer. Just saying. Second, I think we all have times when God is trying to tell us something but we aren't listening. That's how I feel at least. Today I came across the verse that says, "Be still and know that I am God." Sometimes silence is the best thing to have; and when we pray and ask Him for ears to hear, He will bless us and can bless others through us. And I think its cool that He spoke to you like that. I'm sure you made someone's day.



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