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Total Berzerko Freak Out Mode

To begin, I am long overdue for a post, and for this I offer my sincerest apologies.

Second, gummie bears make a terrible breakfast regardless of the quantity consumed.

Third, I am going to write straight from the current thoughts in my head today, because that's what He has told me to do.

So, a running theme in my life is God's sovereignty.  He reminds me of it on a daily basis, sometimes more than once, because I am such a planner.  I like to be prepared, and have something of an outline of how things are going to go.  I will fly by the seat of my pants if need be, but that's not how I like to do everything.  I'm not much of one for surprises (PLEASE, no one ever throw me a surprise party), and I like to know where I'm going on trips so I can pack appropriately, etc.

Yeah, awesomely, that's not how God works.

He feels no need to check in with me whenever He decides to make a change or move in my life.  Sheesh! I'm so glad He doesn't.  My life would be dreadfully pointless and boring if I was in charge of everything that happens in it.  I would be in total berserko freak out mode all the time...

That's how I've felt a lot lately-easily overwhelmed trying to make decisions about what I really want to do, and when to get things done, and staying on time with everything, and spending time with Him, and loving others...

Psalm 22:5, Tori

...and is this really what I want to do with my time, and what if I pick the wrong thing, and I really should get that squared away, but I'm just not sure...

Proverbs 16:9

...this is SO stressful, and now I feel stupid for stressing too much, wait! was that supposed to be a sign?! did I miss it?  UGH! great. Now I'm all frustrated!

flip back a page, sweetheart, Proverbs 15:13

...oh good grief! I'm not cut out to do all this anyway, and maybe this wasn't the right idea in the first place...

Isaiah's there again in 2 Corinthians, babe, chapter 12 verse 9...My grace?

Is sufficient for me, and Your power is made perfect in my weakness.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? I am Yahweh, the everlasting God, the Creator of the whole earth. I never grow faint or weary; there is NO limit to My understanding.

I remember, Isaiah 40:28

Who am I, beloved?

Yahweh, the everlasting God :)

And who are you?

Nothing without You.

I've got you. Your favorite Psalm, 63, what does verse 8 say?

I follow close to You; Your right hand holds on to me.

Mhm. Forever. And there is nothing that can take you from Me.


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