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Procrastination: level 4874


... and I'm just a smidge bit excited. :)

I promise that this ALL CAPS level of EXCITEMENT is not derived out of pure misery and homesickness (although I will be glad to sleep in my own bed).  I love Auburn, and am definitely equally excited to move into an apartment with Miss Nicole Davis in the fall, so my current EXCITEMENT is more of a victory cry than a regretful wail.  In leu of my successful completion of my first year of college, I would like to share some things that I have either learned for the first time or been reminded of over the past 12 months. (In the following, I may sound very young and stupid to some.  I am just trying to be honest however, and hope that I do not frighten any parents with non-college age kiddos.) 

Random Things I Have Learned
(in no particular order)

1. Studying is NOT an option
Yeah, maybe not for every single class, but for the vast majority (unless you're some genius kid) studying-not just reading over the notes-is mandatory if you want to pass.  Sunflower seeds are a great study food. Procrastination is very easy (I'm doing it right now actually), but eventually you have to make flash cards or read and reread a chapter or work problems until you have successfully managed to produce arthritis in your hand and wrist.  (Pinterest, while totally awesome, is not your friend-unless you are planning a wedding, building a house, or becoming a chef, a school teacher, or some sort of design major.) 

2. NEVER give a store of any kind your email address
Food, clothing, furniture, shoes, whatever-they ALL will email you a zillion times telling you about deals you can get (with a purchase of $50 or more).

3. EVERYTHING costs money
No joke, and I already knew this of course, but it feels different when you are paying for things, and having to manage your money so you can do things you want to do. eat, for instance.

4. If it smells and looks clean, it's clean.
Sorry if that's gross, but seriously, nike shorts, tshirts, and jeans are absolutely re-wearable.  (I am very fortunate in that I do not live far away, and I have a fantastic mother who gladly washed clothes whenever I went home.)

5. A microwave and an oven are NOT the same appliance
For instance, you can put aluminum foil in one and not the other.  Some foods are just not the same cooked in a microwave instead of the oven.  The thing I'm most excited about concerning the apartment next year is having a kitchen...easy mac only takes you so far. Also, a microwave will not toast bread-just FYI.

6. Do NOT drink from a solo cup unless you poured it yourself
There is something alcoholic in them 90% of the time. As if people are trying to hide the contents of the cup behind the color-like we can't tell what's in it by the way they look and talk.  I have never understood why red solo cups, but maybe I'm just out of the loop. (Drunk people also enjoy taking pictures, slamming doors, yelling at people, dancing on roofs, and stomping up and down staircases.)

7. If you want to make the right friends, look in the right places
A lot of girls do the sorority thing for the main reason of the strong friendships that develop, which I think is a great idea if it's what you want to do. It's pretty simple: be friendly, and you will make friends. If you don't want lousy friends, then don't hang out with lousy people.  Also, if you are going to hang out somewhere or with some people you aren't sure about, always drive yourself or have someone who will absolutely come get you.  Getting plugged in with a College Ministry is also an awesome way to meet some amazing people.  (Incoming AU freshman should check out The Oaks page on Facebook!! Here is the registration link: Oaks Retreat Registration! )

8. No one goes to rodeo to actually watch the rodeo
I have no personal commentary for this, it's just true, regardless of what University you attend.

9. If you don't work out, you WILL get out of shape
Fact. Now, I realize that some people don't care, and others can't find the time. Life is not all about how you look, and some people simply don't enjoy hiking and swimming and biking and climbing, but that does not mean you shouldn't take care of yourself.  It's about being healthy-not achieving a look.  I love to run, but I don't always want to get up and go. Find something you have time for (and can tolerate) and do it.  There's Zumba, Yoga, weight rooms, treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, basketball courts, tennis courts, tons of Pilates and Insanity videos on youtube, plus plenty of gorgeous Alabama days to just be outside.  Not to mention all the crazy wii and kinect games that are out now.  (If you want to be considered super outdoorsy and collegiate, you can get a hammock and a frisbee just to walk round with.) 

10. Football and alcohol are synonymous that both make people do things they wouldn't normally do and say things they don't really mean.  I love Auburn football (and yes I'm just a girl which makes me "less competitive" or whatever), but some of these people are crazy-always picking fights and basically begging to be punched in the face.  I don't care how biased you are, every team has obnoxious fans.  When football and alcohol are mixed-it's even worse.  Drunk people at football games are either silly, mean, bored, sick, straight up crazy, or a combination of those.  

Exhibit A: This Guy (hahaha!)

11. God is God
...and I am DEFINITELY not.  He is always there and forever the source of my joy! :) He has used this year to teach me so much about who He is, who I am, and who He wants me to become.  We have cried a lot, and laughed even more.  He has blessed me with SO many new faces and experiences, and I am  very humbled by the work he is continuously doing in my life. I still fail at honoring Him sometimes, and I don't always stay in the word like I should.  He loves me though, forever and ever and ever. :) He never gets tired of me and my vast array of complaints, and is always there to remind me of His sovereignty.  (That particular topic has been a resounding theme in my quiet time this year, as well as the significance of the word and how it is always true.) Hebrews has been a favorite hang out of mine lately...

Hebrews 2:18
For since He Himself was tested and has suffered, He is able to help those who are tested.

Hebrews 3:12
For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as to divide the soul, spirit, joints, and marrow; it is the judge of the ideas and thoughts of the heart.

And the verses that basically sum up my entire semester:
Hebrews 6:17&18
Because God wanted to show His unchangeable purpose even more clearly to the heirs of the promise, He guaranteed it with an oath, so that through two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have throng encouragement to seize the hope set before us.

He constantly holds on to me, and I know that as long as He's there, the lining is always silver. 


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