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Well ladies and gents, VBS week is upon us, and in full swing I might add.

Today was tacky tourist day, so obviously I donned my super cool airbrush tshirt from spring break 2009, some tall socks, and my purple "Heartbreaker" fanny pack that came on my awesome purple bike I got when I was 6 or 7.  I pride myself on being able to still wear it around my waist (as opposed to my thigh), however, wearing it did create a slight problem concerning the blood circulation to the lower half of my body...definitely a better fit for 8 year old me.  Anywho, tomorrow is sunglasses day (prayers that I don't fall since I will be in the dark all morning), and Friday is flip-flop day (which could also prove to be a tripping hazard).  The music is its usual catchy, cheesy-ness.  We had SO much fun with the A-B-C song today!  It's very jazzy this year, the video is in black and white, and good ol' Jeff Slaughter is dressed in a striped suit that makes him look like a villain in a Batman movie.  The kids love it though, and they have no trouble getting into it, even the "too-cool-for-school-I'm-just-gonna-stand-here-and-mumble-the-song-even-though-I-can-sing-really-well" 5th and 6th graders. :)

As if it wasn't already obvious, I will unashamedly admit that I absolutely LOVE VBS week.  I still have no desire to be a school teacher, but I do enjoy hanging out with all those awesome kids; dressing up crazy, and dancing around like a goofball, I always learn more from them than they do from me.  They know more than we think they do about what it means to truly believe, about being a friend, and just living life in general.  This particular week, the Lord has used these kids to teach me about the value of honesty. 

One of the motions in the day 2 song was holding your open hand up in front of your face, palm facing you, and moving it back and forth.  Now, I am not a wrestling fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know that a particular wrestler (John Cena, I believe) does this motion while exclaiming, "YOU CAN'T SEE ME!" Since you now possess this info, this is how me teaching this part of the song to my K-1st graders went:

Me: "You're going to take your hand like this" (demonstrates) "and wave it in front of your face, you know, like that big wrestler guy when he says: You can't see ME!" 

Boy on the back row: "JOHN CENA!"

The room is silent...

Me: "right."

That same kid, very matter of factly: "He's my favorite wrestler."

Haha!  Well alrighty then. :) So all the teachers proceeded to laugh at his comment, and we resume teaching the song.  This is a typical 6/7 year old comment, it kind of had to do with what we were discussing, but not really, and was very blunt and to the point.  As insignificant as this may appear, it led me to an interesting conclusion.

That adorable kid's random blurt of honesty got me to thinking, and I now believe that one reason that most kids get along so easily and well is because they say things that need to be said.  I am fully aware that kids lie and don't all understand the concept of being tactful in their speech, they also do not understand all the things involved in living in grown up world.  However, sometimes we who do live here in the big world could take an honesty lesson from our younguns.  I feel like we "grown ups" often wait too long to say things, or worse yet, never say them at all.  As if having a Miss, Mrs., Ms., or Mr. in front of our name binds us to silence.

Which is just dumb.

I don't mean we should blurt out all things that pop into our heads.  God gave us a filter for a reason, but I also think we can sift too much out.  There is a difference in meanness and cruelty versus tough love.  We are told to love one another, and I believe that at times this means being honest with one another.  Not just when your friend asks you if the world's ugliest shirt looks good on them, but even when we aren't asked.  (For instance: Pent up feelings of anger, sadness, or bitterness-Eph. 4:31)
Maybe we would find it easier to get along at times if we could just spit out things that need to be said.  No one likes to be left in the dark, and no one likes to walk around after dinner with spaghetti sauce in the corner of their mouth just because nobody wanted to embarrass them.  Why are we so quiet about things?  Perhaps because if we bring things out in the open, someone might be embarrassed, or offended...or maybe because everyone will see how dirty I am...

We all are different and no one will please everybody (there's always the bridesmaid who hates your choice of dress).  Also, no one is perfect.  No. One.  Not you, not me, not your preacher, not yo momma,  nobody.  (Except Jesus.)  So why is it that grown ups, who are supposedly more mature and have more life experience, think they must hide their realness from one other?  We all have dirt. Sometimes, the best way to help clean all the dirt off is for things to be said, out loud, to other people.  So, as random as that kid's comment was, he made a good point: sometimes you should say stuff!  ...even if it seems to have no importance at that time.

Conclusion: Pray about it, and speak up, because you never know when someone may benefit (now or later) from knowing who your favorite wrestler is.  

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Ephesians 4:29-32


  1. As always, a well put together post Tori. You just have to love how blunt and to the point those kids are. The world needs more of that.


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