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yeah, we went to China.

I now fully understand what Amanda Bynes meant when she said, "Jet Lag" in that scene where she and Colin Firth bonded over a bowl of Coco Pops in the middle of the night. 

I am pooped. 

Yet, I would gladly give up my soft mattress and fork to stay a few extra weeks.  Which is quite a turn around from how we were feeling that Monday.  After the kids were all in bed that night, I seriously wondered how we were going to survive the entire week.  

Check Philippians 4:19, kiddo.

He did provide everything-from patience, to a tea that was cold and almost sweet.  

This trip was absolutely the most humbling one I have ever embarked on. The Lord continuously gave me peace and patience, which I am so thankful for.  There is no way we could've done it all without Him.  

Now, go a page back and check 4:4-5.  Go ahead and memorize that.

...especially not when we came out the wrong exit of the train station and were almost homeless for a night.  That was something. 

He used so many different circumstances and people to remind me of His love and sovereignty.  Which seems stupid writing it out, as if He doesn't do that everyday.  He so does, and I just haven't been paying as good attention as I should be.  Seriously though, when you become thankful for diapers and toilets, it changes your perspective a bit.  One of the biggest blessings of the week was the fact that both of the boys my translator and I were given are potty trained, one wears diapers, but he changes them himself.  

That kid is a stud.  Really though, watching a 10 year old change their own diaper makes anything I whine about daily seem so irrelevant.  I'm not trying to make the whole trip sound like one fat Jesus Juke, but the truth is that God used it to remind me of how small I am and how I can do nothing without Him.

 I also firmly believe that He sent me so that I could gain four new brothers and sisters.  Seriously, how could we not bond in a country where you have to carry around toilet paper in your backpack?
Jenna is our Momma Goose.  Kelsey is the most organized and responsible funny person I have ever encountered.  Between the two of us, there was always a movie quote for every situation.  Natalie's got a beautiful voice, and a heart that's just as gorgeous.  She also has the best Chewbacca impression I've ever heard.  I feel like Blake was the brains of our operation, even though he giggles while riding roller coasters.  James' sense of humor was more discrete-in a silent but deadly way-he didn't always have much to say, but when he was in the mood to talk, you'd miss a good laugh if you didn't pay attention.  (Kels and I also listened to him quote like all of Romans 8 to one of the translators, by the way.)

To put it lightly:
These people are AMAZING.

Each one of these new siblings has challenged me and been a constant source of laughter and encouragement.  It took all of about 24 hours for us to realize we are all made for each other. 
They all rock.  Our Father definitely knew what He was doing when He blessed us with one another. Not to leave out our new international friends of course-we now have connections in Australia, China, and Ireland.  Road trip anyone?  Ha!  Its so neat how small the distance seems when you all are connected by the love of Christ.  Obviously we all have this kind of technology that enables us to keep in touch across the globe, but that's just kind of a bonus.  Our God is so great that He shows up in places He isn't welcome.  How legit is that?

This is Rachel (she's Australian) playing and singing right after our kids left.  Nat is the owner of that beautiful harmony. 


  1. Umm we used the same phrases in our blog posts. MFEO.


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