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Chicken Little = Me

I have no idea how to begin this post.  (And that sentence is the ever mysterious this-might-be-something-really-epic-and-dramatic one I use for when this happens.)  So, I will go with the background story introduction (as usual):

Side note: I wish I could legitimately start with an actual animated Disney storybook intro like all the old princesses. I've always wondered what I would look like as an animated Disney character...preferably a princess, or a fish from Nemo, or a lion in the Lion King.

Today after sitting and taking notes (doodling/going through my planner and trying to stay up to date on my life) in the longest 50 minute literature class of my life, I felt drained and frazzled and just blah in general so I decided to go for a walk.  A hill, a stumble, a stubbed toe, and two near misses with a couple of psycho cyclists later I found myself at the Arboretum.  I always forget how cool that place is until I go, which is not near often enough.

 Seriously, its less than 5 minutes from my apartment.  Why don't I go more often?

Anyways, I sought out a bench where I could plant myself and do some reading.  (The benches made out of rock and wood are super cool, but I'm always afraid some sort of prehistoric bug creature is going to wriggle out of them the second I sit down.) The one I normally would sit on was occupied by two dudes having what seemed to be a fairly serious bro talk, and since I decided it would be far simpler to find another spot instead of breaking that up, I kept going and eventually shuffled through the leaves down a hill to a little secluded bench right beside the pond.  You can tell this bench doesn't get a ton of attention because of the leaves and webs on it, and it is hidden beneath some big trees and those bush/shrub plant things that are too big to be bushes, but too small to be trees. After deciding that there are no current creepy crawly inhabitants, I sat down, turned off my music, and tried to be still and listen.  (The whole be still and quiet and listen thing is a work in progress.)

Confession time: I've been having minor freak out moments lately-thinking way too much about school and future plans regarding school and whatnot.  Also trying to make decisions about what to do with my summer, and maintaining friendships, and being disciplined having a quiet time every day.  Then catching myself choosing things based on what I want to do and not even considering what God would have me do, or where He would have me go...yeah, needless to say, my head and heart have been a fat jumbled up mess lately.

While I was writing all this mess out in my journal (which is my way of talking to the Lord about it), the wind picked up a little, and a gazillion acorn/pecan/small fruit-like things started falling off the trees.  Now, I'm not talking about itty bitty normal acorns here, these were hulk acorns and ideal slingshot ammo.  I started thinking about how funny (and at the same time not funny) it would be if one were to fall on my head, and this led me to think of good old Chicken Little.
Bless his heart.
If one of these things was what fell on his head, he had good reason to think the sky was falling!

That's when it hit me. (No pun intended) I am Chicken Little.

I picked up one of the hulk acorns and turned it over in my hands.  This is all the stuff I'm being so stinking fretful about, and when one tiny thing falls I start running around, appendages flailing, hollering that THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!
...only it's not.

I forget who made the trees, the hulk acorns, and the ground that they fall on, and me.  And He is SO much bigger than the acorns, and the trees, and definitely me.  My little acorns that fall are so minuscule that they're almost irrelevant in comparison to how infinite He is.

And you know what else?
He loves me.
And He's got me.
And I freak out way too much.

"Peace I leave with you. My Peace I give to you. 
I do not give as the world gives. 
Your heart must not be troubled or fearful."
John 14:27


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